ALTAE Langues Le dernier hors série du magazine CAPITAL fait la part belle à la formation. Retrouvez-y @altaelangues ( 👉 page 97 ). Merci pour cet article qui reflète bien…
DevConseil has bought ALTAE a language school for English, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Portuguese, German... as well as FLE with teaching centres in Limoges, Angoulême and Bordeaux. Benefitting from a team…

In collaboration with an internationally recognized company that organizes marathons, DevConseil is working on a virtual racing application. In collaboration with an internationally recognised company that organises marathons, DevConseil is…

During the lockdown we started working on apps to help teachers easily create exercises and tested by Wanda, our English teacher.

Jean-Pierre RIZZI obtained his certification in Specialization TensorFlow in Practice.